(This is a now page, and you can check it's concept here, NowNowNow.com.)

The year 2023 moved way faster than we know.

No Sugar

I have decided to stop taking sugar and products dependent on sugar.
However knowing my addiction to tea and coffee, I have decided to keep taking it without sugar.
Stopping many things can simultaneously cause me, or my mind into tricking to take them.
For January month only no sugar and then, will try other healthy habits.


Currently reading new research on large language models and how they can help us build new products.
We are also exploring new cloud services w.r.t. faster, better, cheaper solutions. Automation is a priority as go through developer-first approaches.
Currently listening to Nassim Taleb's book Fooled By Randomness on Audible. It is an exceptional book and  provides solid thought experiments.


Last month, built and launched https://www.imager.live which helps generate AI images.
It's based on the text-to-image LLM model.
Upcoming January month we will be adding user management and performance upgrades.
My goal to build more products is going on as decided. I need to speed up it more by doing in-depth research and planning.


Learning is an ongoing process.....
Decided to add learning MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS
In school, I was good at maths but nowadays it is hard for me
Later dedicate some time to brushing and expanding machine learning knowledge
As most of the technological things will be decided by AI going forward
And we will be on autopilot mode.

Updated on Dec. 31, 2023.